samedi 5 janvier 2008

fish'n'chips in Sidi-Bou-Said

our second day trip, on 28.12, was to Sidi-Bou-Said. this town is at least as touristy as Carthage, but it was totally worth the trip - the buildings are all white stone with beautifully painted doorways and sky-blue trim, there were orange trees lining the streets, cacti and fragrant flowers in people's yards and a strip of beach by the port. although the day started off sunny and warm, the afternoon turned grey and chilly - but we sat on the beach and ran around in the shallows nevertheless! we had tea (twice) at this teahouse that was all old school decor - we took off our shoes and sat on mats on the ground (well, actually it was a wide step, elevated off the floor, but still it was like sitting on the floor); the walls were tiled in yellows and greens and i had a great view of the guy that was making the tea and turkish coffee. the day was chilled out, once again (i swear it was a great time, this trip, but reading these entries it sounds like we didnt do anything!! i dont know why my posts are so lame, sorry)...we lunched in an outdoor, rooftop cafe - vegetarian couscous and orange juice, then desert at the Swedish Teahouse, where they have the best, albeit super super sweet, cakes.

the highlight of Sidi was shopping for earrings for Amy. She bargained - she got 2 pairs for the price of one, not too bad - and i received several marriage proposals. every guy we talked to while she was looking at jewelry insisted that they knew of both of our french towns, never mind the fact that they are small enough that some french people dont even know where they are, and said that i was richer because i was from the south...riiiight...ok, and the best part was when this guy swooped down on me - im serious, literally swooped out of no where - grabbed my hand and started professing my beauty and said that he wanted to 'make me a gift.' the then (forcibly) dragged me to his stall, shooed out everyone that was in there, and offered me anything i wanted. he was going off, in a bizarre mix of french and english, that i could have anything, everything, that we should get married and have 10 or 15 children, that he would give amy 10 camels for me...omg, we were dying. on the floor. it wasnt even creepy, it was just surreal and hilarious. i mean, his jewelry was like, so not even that pretty, so i told him i was already married and i didnt want to have kids and we peaced out, still laughing our asses off. and then, to top it off, we heard "fish'n'chips!" for the second time in as many days, and that did us in for good. we had to sit down bc our abs hurt from laughing. so that was our random afternoon in Sidi.

actually, this is more Tunis, but the doorways in Sidi were painted similarly
there were soo many lovely doorways, this one was in Sidi
Sidi-Bou-Said is a very photogenic seaside village north of Tunis
orange trees hanging out in the streets = complete novelty for this MidAtlantic girl
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