dimanche 3 février 2008

(i eat at mc donalds because) i like to feel international

Sarkozy has a new wife - Carla Bruni, formerly seen with such celebs as Mick Jagger and Donald Trump.

Kiwi, my balding french cat, decided that she loves me best or something and will not leave my room anymore. It's 3/4 cute and 1/4 annoying - she has the most grating meow imaginable. But she likes to sit in the cubby hole in my desk, so that's entertaining.

Guiliana, my italian friend working in grenoble came down for the weekend to see me and mandy; finally the three mouflons were reunited! 2 feb. is le chandeleur (candlemas?), and the tradition is to make crepes (yumm) - if you can flip the crepe while holding a coin in your free hand, then you will become rich this year. and i got it on the first try!! first, housewife points. second, dolla$$! and crepe oeuf-fromage, c'est vachement trop bon!

i finished harry potter numero 7, finalement - really truly, i dont know why i let myself go all summer working at Politics and Prose and never buying/reading it. however, it actually quite nice to slip into that familiar, wonderful alternate universe over here - as close to going home as the real deal. shame that it's over now, though, but i am fairly satisfied with how it wrapped up.

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Anonyme a dit…

la chandeleur=Groundhog Day en anglais
all the informations you need to understand the history of the chandeleur's day is in this website
in french of course